How Frequently Does My Central Air Conditioner Need Service?

Hoover Electric Plumbing Heating Cooling

Most homes in the country rely on an air conditioning unit to keep each room fresh and comfortable. Without the air conditioner, temperatures begin to rise, and so do emotions. In a house full of people, that simply won’t do. No matter how efficient your system maybe, you’ll need to perform proper cleaning and maintenance. It’s just a matter of how often. Neglecting maintenance can lead to a steady decline. This, in turn, may cost you money.


The single most important maintenance task you may perform is to change out the air filter. Depending on your system, may you simply need to clean the filter. For most homes, replacing the filter monthly is most likely. A clogged or dirty filter often leads to blocked airflow, reduced efficiency, and higher monthly costs. Replacing a clogged filter may result in lower energy consumption by 5% to 15%.

For a central air unit, the filter is typically located along the return duct. A common location for the actual filter is along the walls, ceilings, or in the unit itself. On the other hand, a room air conditioner has a filter mounted to the grill facing into the room.

Professional Service

If you opt to hire a professional technician to perform service, which may be a smart move, you can typically schedule service semi-annually. For many homes, one to two visits per year is sufficient.

When working with a technician, make sure they check:

  • The amount of refrigerant
  • Test for any coolant leaks
  • Check for duct leakage and seal if any
  • Measure airflow
  • Oil motors and check belts
  • Check thermostat accuracy
Contact Us

If you require efficient air conditioner service, contact Hoover Electric, Plumbing, Heating & Cooling at [company-phone id=1]. Remember, we’re here for you and your home’s cooling needs. So, give us a call today!

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