Electrician FAQ: Do I Need to Rewire My Home?

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Many homeowners assume if all the plugs and switches work in their Warren, MI, home, there’s no reason for an electrician to inspect the home’s wiring. It is not always so simple. If a house is more than 20 years old, potential problems hiding in the wiring warrant an electrical system inspection and possibly a home rewire.

While sometimes a major job, rewiring might be necessary for your family’s safety. How do you know if your home needs rewiring? Here are some warning signs…

Flickering Lights

Do the lights flicker? This is more than a household annoyance. They’re a telltale sign of loose wiring connections and a sign of serious electrical issues.

Dilapidated Fuse Box

Is your power box is wooden with no labels? Does it contain fuses rather than circuit breakers? Does it have a black, unprotected cable running out of it? If any of these are true, call an electrician to upgrade your home’s wiring and electrical panel.

Circuit Breaker Trips Frequently

Your circuit breaker prevents fires by cutting off electrical flow when a circuit exceeds the number of amps it can handle. Sometimes a faulty or overheating appliance connected to the circuit may be to blame. If it’s a recurring issue, however, it is often a sign it stems from faulty wiring and needs replacing.

Aluminum Wiring

It’s estimated two million homes built between 1965 and 1973 contain aluminum wire. If your home was built within this time frame, it’s important you check if “AL” is on the wiring jacket.

Aluminum wiring is known to cause overheating, which creates an even higher risk of a house fire. When you call Hoover Electric, a licensed Hoover electrician inspects and determines how much of your home needs rewiring.

Charred Outlets or a Burning Smell

Charred switches indicate a loose connection or faulty wiring near the switch caused the circuit to short, causing arcing and sparking. Similarly, if you notice a continuous burning odor but no discolored outlets, the short may have happened within the walls, posing a potential fire risk.

Ignition of five percent of home structure fires between 2012 and 2016 trace back to electrical wire or cable insulation, according to the National Fire Protection Association, NFPA. To prevent a larger fire in your home, turn off the circuit. Once the circuit is shut off, call a Hoover electrician to assess the damage and inspect your home’s wiring.

Additional Reasons to Rewire Your House in Warren, Michigan

Faulty wiring isn’t the only reason to have your Warren, Michigan, home’s electrical system inspected. If you rely on extension cords for power or recently made major home improvements your home benefits from an inspection from a licensed electrician.

If you’ve added major new appliances or your home has ungrounded, two-prong outlets we also recommend an inspection. Other benefits to having your home rewired include:

Pest Control Issue Identification

Before rewiring your home, an electrician performs identifies potential problem areas. For example, if he or she notices chew marks on wires in your attic, we recommend you call a pest control professional to protect your house and wiring from further rodent-related damage.

Added Convenience and Safety

The original electrical systems in older homes weren’t equipped to handle the electrical loads of today’s modern appliances and electronics. With additional outlets and a more robust electrical system in place, rewiring your Warren, Michigan house makes it more convenient. It also makes it safer to use them! Your circuit breakers won’t trip as often and your outlets won’t overheat.

Bring Your Warren, MI Home’s Wiring Up to Date with a Hoover Electrician

Do you suspect your home needs rewiring? Call a licensed electrician at Hoover Electric, Plumbing, Heating & Cooling to perform a whole-home electrical inspection to help you decide. Hoover has been keeping homes in Warren, MI, safe, comfortable, and energy-efficient since 1980. Contact us for more information about any of our services.

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