Signs You Need a New Furnace

Furnaces are robust systems designed to work under strenuous conditions for many years. Still, all good things must come to an end. Watch for these signs that you need a new furnace so you have time to investigate your furnace replacement options.

  • Aging furnace: If your furnace is more than 15 years old, your energy bills are probably higher than necessary. The system is also likely to break down completely within the next five years. The best thing you can do now is compare new furnace costs and prepare to replace your equipment.
  • Rising heating bills: Aging furnaces have lower efficiency ratings than their modern counterparts, and they also stop performing at their peak as they get older. Keep an eye on your utility bills each winter. If they have risen steadily in recent years, your money could be better spent on a new, high-efficiency furnace.
  • Home comfort problems: If certain rooms always feel drafty or uncomfortable in the winter, your furnace could be wearing out. Consider other possibilities as well, such as a malfunctioning thermostat, leaky ductwork, or damaged insulation.
  • Strange sounds or smells: Don’t ignore unsettling squealing, rattling, banging, or buzzing sounds. These noises could be warning you of an impending breakdown. Musty, burning, electrical, or rotten egg smells are also worth investigating.
  • Odd cycling behavior: Your heating system should cycle on, run for several minutes, and shut back off for at least 10 or 15 minutes before turning on again. If your furnace cycles more frequently than this or seems to run all the time, it could be malfunctioning.
  • Frequent repairs: If your furnace breaks down regularly, it eventually becomes a waste of money to keep fixing it. The next time you’re faced with a high furnace repair estimate, consider investing in a replacement system instead.
  • Flickering, yellow burner flame: Furnace flames are supposed to burn steady and blue. A flickering, yellow flame is a sign that your equipment is producing excess carbon monoxide and putting your family’s health at risk. You at least need a furnace repair and possibly a full furnace replacement, depending on the cause.
  • Visible rust or cracks: A cracked furnace heat exchanger is a potential source of carbon monoxide poisoning. Lack of maintenance or simply old age can cause a heat exchanger to crack. If you find visible corrosion or other signs of cracks forming in your furnace, call an HVAC technician to ask what you should do next.

Have you determined it might be time to replace your furnace? Hoover Electric can help. We have over 40 years of experience performing furnace repair, replacement, and installation in the Troy & Clinton Township area. We carry the industry’s best heating systems and provide unparalleled customer service. You may also qualify for special financing with approved credit to make your investment as affordable as possible. Call us at (586) 756-5676 or contact us online to learn more or to request a free furnace installation estimate!

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